
How I Can Serve You

Remote Bookkeeping Services

Full service Bookkeeping

  • Record transactions
  • Track expenses and income
  • Manage A/P and A/R

Our bookkeeping Services

Let us handle your bookkeeping for you remotely using QuickBooks online. We will use QBO to handle all of your bookkeeping needs from recording transactions to reconciliations and many items in between. We also offer clean up services to help your bookkeeping get back on track.

Remote Accounting Services

  • Review and communicate your business’s financial position
  • Monitor and help improve cash flow
  • Analyze financial statements

Our Accounting Services

Let us help you fully understand your business finances. We will review your balance sheet and income statement and discuss your monthly or quarterly position. 

We will monitor and help increase your cash flows in order for your business to have access to cash to keep operations running smooth. 

We will analyze your financial statements in order to ensure your ready to go if you need accurate financials for lending and to file your business tax return.

startup, start-up, notebooks

Tax Services

  • 1099 Processing
  • Prepare and process sales tax remittance
  • Federal and State income tax filing

Our Tax Services

Let us take the busy work out of required 1099 filing for you. We will handle the process from start to finish. Filing sales tax remittances is a necessary evil. We can handle the process for you. There’s not need for a second CPA or accountant to file your Federal and State income taxes. We will prepare and file your Federal and State income taxes. 

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No job too big, no job too small. Contact me today for your free consultation.